Neodim NeoSourcing Team
We provide sourcing services for the companies
looking for suppliers from Turkey.
We search and find the manufacturers in Turkey related to
the products you request and get quotes by contacting
them on your behalf. We also follow up the orders,
productions and shipments of the quotes you find proper.
We work just like we are your Sourcing-Purchasing
Department in Turkey.
⇒ There is a Turkish idiom which says you profit while
buying rather than while selling.
⇒ Our customers are very satisfied with the service
quality of our sourcing team and the profit we
provide to them.
⇒ If you are thinking of finding the right suppliers in
Turkey and getting a professional support service
for this, you will be pleased to work with us.

NeoSourcing - Our Sourcing Services
Acquiring an industrial manufacturing sourcing agent for your business needs provides an effective way to leverage several key areas of internetional business.
Whether you are looking to obtain a sourcing agent for multiple language communications, negotiation management, quality control or shipping and logictics, Neodim provides numerous benefits that cannot be matched by international distributors.
Our sourcing agents are highly trained industrial business administrators that understand the nuances of international business. They will provide you with an international business plan that is suited to your company's specific requirements.
Whether you are currently weighing the advantages of a sourcing agent over an international distributor, Neodim will assist you through the entire process.
Locating new products & suppliers
Manage negotiations
Quality control & sample test
Expertise in manufacturing processes
Good understanding of suppliers' capabilities and capacity
Engineering solutions
Shipping & logistics searching
Contact us